Financial Statements

Financial Statements

In business, Financial Statements are statements that indicate a situation of a property and its increase and decrease in numerical form.

Financial Statements are complicated for many people. Understanding Financial Statements considerably is not absolutely necessary. But understanding the most basic of basics about Financial Statements is very different from not knowing anything about them.

Balance Sheet

A Balance Sheet is one of the Financial Statements.

A Balance Sheet indicates what the company owns and where the company gets them from.

By reading a Balance Sheet, you can ensure the safety of the company.

< Balance Sheet says >

What the company owns.

How much money the company owes.

How much money the company has.

 < For example >

The company owns 100 worth of property.

But, the company owes 30. Therefore,

The company has 70.

Income Statement

An Income Statement is one of the Financial Statements.

An Income Statement indicates a company's operating result.

By reading an Income Statement, you can find out how much the company increases the property.

< Income Statement says >

How much money the company gets, spends, and increases.

< For example >

The company purchases merchandise for 100, sells it for 150, and spends 20 to sell it.

Also, The company receives 15 and spends 10.

Thus, The company increases 35. (=150-100-20+15-10)

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