
Financial Numbers

Financial Numbers is a tool for understanding Financial Statements.

This App is made for a person who is not familiar with Financial Statements.

By using this App, you can understand the most basic of basics about Financial Statements.

This App is not a tool that is actually used for daily accounting.

The aim of this App is not letting users be very familiar with Financial Statements but letting users understand Financial Statements to some extent for driving a business forward.

Understand Financial Statements

Understanding Financial Statements of the company below is very beneficial.

Your own company.

The company where you work at.

The company you invest in.

Executives usually leave financial affairs to the experts, because they are busy with the actual work. As a result, they can't understand Financial Statements. So in some cases, they behave somewhat incorrectly. Therefore, this App is very useful.

For a person who works at a company, understanding Financial Statements is very beneficial. Because the person understanding Financial Statements can know the Financial Condition of the company. And the person can understand how their actions affect Financial Statements of the company.

For a person who invests in a company, naturally understanding Financial Statements is very important. Understanding the most basic of basics about Financial Statements is very different from not knowing anything about Financial Statements.

Financial Statements Vary Everyday

Generally, you can see Financial Statements once a year, once in half a year or once every three months.

But actually, Financial Statements vary everyday.

Furthermore, Financial Statements vary every time the company do something.

This App has a feature that Balance Sheet moves.

This feature is equipped in order to let you understand variation of Financial Statements.

Therefore, you can understand how Financial Statements are made visually.

Understand the Process

To know what Financial Statements are, it is efficient to understand them visually.

In this App, you can see Balance Sheet moving.

Therefore, you can understand how Financial Statements are made visually.

Regarding the Financial Statements, only the "Result" is made public.

By this App, you can understand the "Process" of how Financial Statements are made.

Therefore, it will become easier to read Financial Statements.

Your Actions Improve Dramatically

If you understand contents of this App completely, you will be able to read Financial Statements of the real company in summary. 

By doing so, your actions will improve dramatically.

Discussion With the Experts

Even when you leave accounting to the experts, it would be better to do so after understanding the basics about Financial Statements.

By doing so, you can have a more advanced discussion with the experts.

Accounting Software

Accounting Software is constantly evolving.

Even when you use Accounting Software, it would be better to do so in the state of understanding the basics about Financial Statements.

You know what is being done in the Accounting Software to some extent, so you can relieved and use it.

Financial Numbers for iPhone

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